Migrant Check: top 5 things you need to know

The Migrant Check is the third and final stage in the three-step process of securing a work visa for a migrant worker, known as the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).

Here at Lane Neave we make the complex simple, so we have listed our top 5 “need-to-knows” about the Migrant Check process.

  1. You Can’t Skip the Job Check: There is no way to submit a Migrant Check without first obtaining a Job Check “token”.  The Job Check token can only be obtained from a successful Job Check application.   If the role is on the Green List meaning the labour market check (advertising) may not be necessary (tread carefully here), the Job Check will still need to be completed.
  2. Suitably Qualified: Migrants must make sure that they are suitably qualified for the role which was awarded a Job Check Token. This includes suitable qualifications at the correct level, suitable work experience and any additional skills that were listed in the Job Check as necessary.  The additional skills will be industry specific and might include liquor or driver’s licensing, occupational registration, or familiarity with industry-specific software.  If there is misalignment the Migrant Check may be declined.
  3. Acceptable Standard of Health: Migrants must be of an acceptable standard of health at the time of applying.  There is no opportunity for a medical waiver (exemption) under the Migrant Check process.  Please click here to see our summary of the health requirements for temporary visas that you need to be aware of before applying.
  4. Principal Applicant Only: There will be no ability for migrants to include their family members in the AEWV Migrant Check application.  Migrants’ family members will need to apply for their visas separately under the old system.  Unfortunately, there are no work plans in place with Immigration New Zealand to resolve this awkward transition into the new system.  Note here too that AEWV applicants will face minimum income requirements to sponsor their partners and children.
  5. Duration: If the Migrant Check is approved, the AEWV will be awarded for 3 years for most applications, or for roles that are recognised “exceptions” with a pay rate below media wage for a maximum of 2 years. You should be aware that the visa will be linked to your passport: if a new passport is obtained during the term of the visa, an application must be made to link the new passport number to the visa before being used for international travel.  Also note passports need to be valid at least three months post the duration of the visa sought, so it may be necessary to renew passports prior to filing the Migrant Check to avoid lengthy delays in having the visa issued.

The Job Check and the Migrant Check are inherently linked and complex regulations apply to each.  For this reason the best course of action is to engage professional representation for both checks if you are not experienced with the system.  We are market leaders in the immigration process, so please get in touch with our team of immigration experts to discuss the best way to approach the process to make sure it results in a visa, first time.

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